
Fig. 2. Example average signal groups and QRS peaks. Five groups of channels with distinct morphologies were identified in the sample recording (see text). The electrodes belonging to each group are shown in black (left). The associated average signals are shown to the right of the respective torso diagram, and the identified QRS complex peaks in each average signal are indicated with blue Xs.

QRS Complex Detection and Measurement Algorithms for Multichannel ECGs in Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Patients

Author(s)3: Antonia E. Curtin, Kevin V. Burns, Alan J. Bank, Theoden I. Netoff
QRS Complex Detection and Measurement Algorithms for Multichannel ECGs in Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Patients 780 829 IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine (JTEHM)

    Abstract We developed an automated approach for QRS complex detection and QRS duration (QRSd) measurement that can effectively analyze multichannel electrocardiograms (MECGs) acquired during abnormal conduction and pacing in…

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