
Quantification of Resting of Resting-state Ballistocardiogram Difference between Clinical and Non-clinical Populations for Ambient Monitoring of Heart Failure

Author(s)3: Isaac S. Chang, Susanna Mak, Narges Armanfard, Jennifer Boger, Sherry L. Grace, Amaya Arcelus, Caroline Chessex, Alex Mihailidis
Quantification of Resting of Resting-state Ballistocardiogram Difference between Clinical and Non-clinical Populations for Ambient Monitoring of Heart Failure 150 150 IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine (JTEHM)

A ballistocardiogram (BCG) is a versatile bio-signal that enables ambient remote monitoring of heart failure (HF) patients in a home setting, achieved through embedded sensors in the surrounding environment. Numerous…

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Elucidating the Hemodynamic Origin of Ballistocardiographic Forces: Towards Improved Monitoring of Cardiovascular Health at Home

Elucidating the Hemodynamic Origin of Ballistocardiographic Forces: Towards Improved Monitoring of Cardiovascular Health at Home

Author(s)3: Abdul Qadir Javaid, Hazar Ashouri, Srini Tridandapani, Omer T. Inan
Elucidating the Hemodynamic Origin of Ballistocardiographic Forces: Towards Improved Monitoring of Cardiovascular Health at Home 780 332 IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine (JTEHM)

The ballistocardiogram (BCG), a signal describing the reaction forces of the body to cardiac ejection of blood, has recently gained interest in the research community as a potential tool for…

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