Best Associate Editors for 2023

Barbara Di Camillo

Information Engineering Department, University of Padova

Barbara Di Camillo is full professor in computer science with the Department of Information Engineering, University of Padova. Her research activity is centred on the development and application of advanced modelling, data mining, and machine learning methods for high-throughput biological data analysis in the field of Bioinformatics and Health Informatics. This includes model/methods development and application in the field of systems biology, reverse engineering, and predictive medicine. In particular, she has been working on omics data studying metagenomics and transcriptomics regulatory networks and cell-cell communication networks from scRNAseq data. She is working on the use of dynamic Bayesian networks to model disease dynamics and the effect of the interaction of different variables (societal, clinical, environmental, and genetic) and their effect on complex clinical phenotypes.

Dinggang Shen

School of Biomedical Engineering, ShanghaiTech University, Shanghai United Imaging Intelligence Co., Ltd., Shanghai, China

Dinggang Shen is a Professor and a Founding Dean with School of Biomedical Engineering, ShanghaiTech University, and also a Co-CEO of United Imaging Intelligence (UII), Shanghai, China. He is a Fellow of IEEE, AIMBE, IAPR, MICCAI, ISMRM, and IAMBE. He was a Jeffrey Houpt Distinguished Investigator and a Full Professor (Tenured) with University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA. His research interests include medical image analysis and artificial intelligence, in which he published >1,500 peer-reviewed papers, with H-index 142 and 88000+ citations.

Bjoern Eskofier

Head of the Machine Learning and Data Analytics Lab, Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg

Bjoern M. Eskofier (SM, IEEE) heads the Machine Learning and Data Analytics (MaD) Lab at the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuernberg (FAU). He is also the founding head of FAU’s Department Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Engineering (AIBE) and co- spokesperson of the German Research Foundation collaborative research center “EmpkinS” ( Since April 2023, he is an associate principal investigator and leader of the research group “Translational Digital Health” at the Helmholtz Zentrum Munich. He authored more than 400 peer reviewed articles, holds 5 patents, started three spinoff startup companies, is in a supporting role for further startups, and won several medical-technical research awards.