Special Section: MobiHealth 2014, IEEE HealthCom 2014, and IEEE BHI 2014

Special Section: MobiHealth 2014, IEEE HealthCom 2014, and IEEE BHI 2014 170 177 Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (JBHI)

Metin Akay; Gouenou Coatrieux; Yang Hao; Dimitrios I. Fotiadis; Andrew Laine; Benny Lo; Konstantina S. Nikita; Norbert Noury; Joel Rodrigues; May D. Wang

Special Issue: MobiHealth 2014, IEEE HealthCom 2014, and IEEE BHI 2014

In this special section, we gathered papers from three well-known conferences organized in 2014: EAI Mobihealth, IEEE HealthCom, and IEEE Biomedical and Health Informatics. EAI Mobihealth is an annually organized conference, which started in 2010, to address the demands of the rapidly evolving disciplines of wireless communications, mobile computing, and sensing technologies in healthcare. The IEEE-Healthcom is held every year since 1999 in different countries in Asia, Europe, and in America. It aims at bringing together interested parties working in the field of healthcare to exchange ideas, discuss innovative and emerging solutions, and develop collaborations. The IEEE Biomedical Health Informatics Conference started in 2013 and is organized every year providing the forum to showcase enabling technologies of computing, devices, imaging, sensors, and systems that optimize the acquisition, transmission, processing, storage, retrieval, visualization, and analysis of medical data.

The aim of this special section is to present an overview of recent advances in sensing technologies, monitoring of patients, security and privacy of data transfer, provision of collaborative environments, data gathering and analysis from various sources, and predictive models, which all finally target the best strategy for patient monitoring and treatment.