Featured Articles

Special Section: MobiHealth 2014, IEEE HealthCom 2014, and IEEE BHI 2014

Special Section: MobiHealth 2014, IEEE HealthCom 2014, and IEEE BHI 2014 170 177 Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (JBHI)

Metin Akay; Gouenou Coatrieux; Yang Hao; Dimitrios I. Fotiadis; Andrew Laine; Benny Lo; Konstantina S. Nikita; Norbert Noury; Joel Rodrigues; May D. Wang In this special section, we gathered papers…

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Classification of Voluntary Cough Airflow Patterns for Prediction of Abnormal Spirometry

Author(s)3: Jeffrey S. Reynolds, W. Travis Goldsmith, Jeremy B. Day, Ayman A. Abaza, Ahmed M. Mahmoud, Ali A. Afshari, Jacob B. Barkley, E. Lee Petsonk, Michael L. Kashon, David G. Frazer
Classification of Voluntary Cough Airflow Patterns for Prediction of Abnormal Spirometry 170 177 Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (JBHI)

Measurement of partial expiratory flow-volume curves has become an important technique in diagnosing lung disease, particularly in children and in the elderly. The objective of this study was to investigate…

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DBN-Extended: A Dynamic Bayesian Network Model Extended With Temporal Abstractions for Coronary Heart Disease Prognosis

DBN-Extended: A Dynamic Bayesian Network Model Extended With Temporal Abstractions for Coronary Heart Disease Prognosis

Author(s)3: Kalia Orphanou, Athena Stassopoulou, Elpida Keravnou-Papailiou
DBN-Extended: A Dynamic Bayesian Network Model Extended With Temporal Abstractions for Coronary Heart Disease Prognosis 170 177 Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (JBHI)

Temporal abstraction (TA) and dynamic Bayesian networks (DBNs) became two topics of much interest and research in clinical systems. TA is a knowledge-based process that abstracts raw temporal data into…

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On the Influence of Confounding Factors in Multisite Brain Morphometry Studies of Developmental Pathologies: Application to Autism Spectrum Disorder

On the Influence of Confounding Factors in Multisite Brain Morphometry Studies of Developmental Pathologies: Application to Autism Spectrum Disorder

Author(s)3: Guillaume Auzias, Sylvain Takerkart, Christine Deruelle
On the Influence of Confounding Factors in Multisite Brain Morphometry Studies of Developmental Pathologies: Application to Autism Spectrum Disorder 170 177 Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (JBHI)

Brain anatomical MRI is increasingly viewed as an attractive way to measure biological properties of interest. In particular, numerous neuroimaging studies have shown that it is possible to distinguish patients…

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Modeling the Interplay Between Tumor Volume Regression and Oxygenation in Uterine Cervical Cancer During Radiotherapy Treatment

Author(s)3: Antonella Belfatto, Marco Roboldi, Delia Ciardo, Federica Cattani, Agnese Cecconi, Roberta Lazzari, Barbara Alicja Jereczek-Fossa, Roberto Orecchia, Guido Baroni, Pietro Cerveri
Modeling the Interplay Between Tumor Volume Regression and Oxygenation in Uterine Cervical Cancer During Radiotherapy Treatment 170 177 Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (JBHI)

A novel modeling approach of tumor growth and response to radiotherapy is presented and tested on cervical cancer patient data. A patient-specific mathematical model is developed to predict the evolution…

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Lumen Segmentation in Intravascular Optical Coherence Tomography Using Backscattering Tracked and Initialized Random Walks

Author(s)3: Abhijit Guha Roy, Sailesh Conjeti, Stéphane G. Carlier, Pranab K. Dutta, Adnan Kastrati, Andrew F. Laine, Nassir Navab, Amin Katouzian, Debdoot Sheet
Lumen Segmentation in Intravascular Optical Coherence Tomography Using Backscattering Tracked and Initialized Random Walks 170 177 Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (JBHI)

Intravascular imaging using optical coherence tomography (OCT) is commonly used in interventional cardiology for proper diagnosis and surgical planning. OCT provides high-­‐resolution images for detailed investigation of atherosclerosis induced thickening…

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Skull Segmentation and Reconstruction From Newborn CT Images Using Coupled Level Sets

Author(s)3: Sona Ghadimi, Hamid Abrishami Moghaddam, Reinhard Grebe, Fabrice Wallois
Skull Segmentation and Reconstruction From Newborn CT Images Using Coupled Level Sets 170 177 Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (JBHI)

The impact of cranial bones and fontanels-sutures on neuronal source localization in infants by either high-density electroencephalography or high-density functional optical imaging has been proven. However, the main issue in…

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Improvement in Neural Respiratory Drive Estimation From Diaphragm Electromyographic Signals Using Fixed Sample Entropy

Author(s)3: Luis Estrada, Abel Torres, Leonardo Sarlabous, Raimon Jané
Improvement in Neural Respiratory Drive Estimation From Diaphragm Electromyographic Signals Using Fixed Sample Entropy 170 177 Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (JBHI)

Diaphragm electromyography is a valuable technique for the recording of electrical activity of the diaphragm. The analysis of diaphragm electromyographic (EMGdi) signal amplitude is an alternative approach for the indirect…

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Special Section: Biomedical and Health Informatics for Diabetes

Special Section: Biomedical and Health Informatics for Diabetes 780 435 Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (JBHI)

Georgiou, P., Johnston, D. It is estimated that 371 million people worldwide have diabetes and the number is increasing at an alarming rate. In addition to short-term symptoms, there are…

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Multimodality Neurological Data Visualization with Multi-VOI Based DTI Fiber Dynamic Integration

Author(s)3: Qi Zhang, Murray Alexander, Lawrence Ryner
Multimodality Neurological Data Visualization with Multi-VOI Based DTI Fiber Dynamic Integration 170 177 Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (JBHI)

Brain lesions are usually located adjacent to critical spinal structures, so it will be a challenging task for neurosurgeons to precisely plan a surgical procedure without damaging healthy tissues and…

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