Entropy analysis techniques are being increasingly used to analyse and understand the behavior of physiological systems, such as cardiovascular interactions and brain activity. This EMBC2022 mini-symposium will provide you with an overview of the state of the art in entropy quantification algorithms and present recent methodological approaches that extend the concepts of entropy quantification beyond the study of simple univariate time series.
Attendance to this session is included in your EMBC 2022 registration. The mini-symposium takes place on Wed. 13th July at 2PM, Boisdale-1 room (WeCT3)
The mini-symposium will start with an introductory talk on entropy quantification algorithms by Teresa S. Henriques (Faculty of Medicine University of Porto, Portugal) who has recently published reviews on entropy metrics. This will be followed by talks by Alberto Porta (University of Milan, Italy), Evangelos Kafantaris (University of Edinburgh, UK), Mirvana Hilal (University of Angers, France), and Javier Escudero (University of Edinburgh, UK) on recent technical extensions of entropy quantification techniques for multivariate, multimodal, imaging, and graph data. The session will close with a talk by Matthew Flood (Luxembourg Institute of Health, Luxembourg) on the recent open-source toolbox entropyhub. We expect this session to enable us to discuss cutting edge research in entropy quantification and to facilitate their application to diverse biomedical data.
For more information, visit https://embc.embs.org/2022/sessions-and-workshops-information/theme-1/#1-1.