Julien Penders

Title and Affiliation

Program Manager
Body Area Networks
Holst Centre/Imec

Web Page

Julien Penders


Email: Julien.Penders@imec-nl.nl
Phone: +31-40-40.20.523
Address: High Tech Campus 31, 5656 AE Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Research Interests

Body area network technologies, systems and applications

Translation of micro-electronics and wireless technology innovations into novel health and lifestyle applications; in particular integration of new circuits and technologies in wireless health prototypes, with a focus on miniaturization, ultra-low-power consumption, connectivity and wear-ability

Algorithms for bio-signal processing in body area networks, optimization for resource-constrained systems and their implementation in embedded processors

Deployment of technologies and prototypes in pilot studies for new health and lifestyle applications in remote environments

Convergence of bio-medical instrumentation, pharmacology and the ‘omics’ sciences, for improved healthcare


Julien Penders is Program Manager at the Holst Centre / IMEC, where he leads the activities on Body Area Networks. He is responsible for the development of integrated wearable health monitoring systems, development of embedded algorithms, and the evaluation of integrated prototypes in field studies. He has (co-) authored over 30 papers and conference proceedings in the field of body area networks and autonomous wireless sensor networks, and is the author of two book chapters on the topic. Julien holds a M.Sc. degree in Systems Engineering from University of Liege, Belgium (2004), and a M.Sc. degree in Biomedical Engineering from Boston University, MA (2006).


Belgian American Educational Fundation (BAEF) Fellow 2004-2005

Lab Page

Body Area Networks

Book chapters

J. Penders, C. Van Hoof and B. Gyselinckx, “Biomedical applications of WBAN: Trends and Examples”, in Bio-Medical CMOS ICs, Integrated Circuits and Systems, Ed. Hoi-Jun Yoo and Chris Van Hoof, 2011, Part 2, 279-302.

J. Penders, B. Gyselinckx, R. Vullers, O. Rousseaux, M. Berekovic, M. De Nil, C. Van Hoof, J. Ryckaert, R. F. Yazicioglu, P. Fiorini, V. Leonov. “Human++: Emerging Technologies for Body Area Networks”, in VLSI-SoC: Research trends in VLSI and Systems on Chip, Ed. Giovanni de Micheli, Springer 2008.

Selected Journal Publications

Mariani B, Hoskovec C, Rochat S, B¸la C, Penders J, Aminian K: 3D gait assessment in young and elderly subjects using foot-worn inertial sensors. Journal of biomechanics 2010, 43(15):2999-3006

Ruud Vullers, Rob van Schaijk, Hubreght Visser, Julien Penders and Chris Van Hoof, “Energy Harvesting for Autonomous Wireless Sensor Networks”, Tutorial in the IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine, Spring 2010

Yazicioglu RF, Torfs T, Merken P, Penders J, Leonov V, Puers R, Gyselinckx B, Van Hoof C: Ultra-low-power biopotential interfaces and their applications in wearable and implantable systems. Microelectronics Journal 2009, 40(9):1313-1321

Ruud Vullers, Julien Penders, Mihai Patrascu, “Potential and challenges of wireless sensor nodes for diverse application fields”, Sensors Magazine, December 2009

Refet Firat Yazicioglu, Tom Torfs, Patrick Merken, Julien Penders, Vladimir Leonov, Robert Puers, Bert Gyselinckx, Chris Van Hoof, “Ultra-low-power biopotential interfaces and their applications in wearable and implantable systems”, Microelectronics Journal, Volume 40, Issue 9, Pages 1313-1321, 2008

Selected Conference Publications

F. Massé, J. Penders, A. Serteyn, M. van Bussel, J. Arends, “Miniaturized wireless ECG-monitor for real-time detection of epileptic seizures”, Wireless Health conference, San Diego, Oct 5-7, 2010

J. Wijsman, B. Grundlehner, J. Penders and H. Hermens, “Trapezius Muscle EMG as Predictor of Mental Stress”, Wireless Health conference, San Diego, Oct 5-7, 2010

Tom Torfs, Refet Firat Yazicioglu, Sunyoung Kim, Hyejung Kim, Chris Van Hoof, Dilpreet Buxi, Inaki Romero, Jacqueline Wijsman, Fabien Massé, Julien Penders, “Ultra Low Power Wireless ECG system with Beat Detection and Real Time Impedance Measurement”, IEEE BioCAS conference, Nov 3-5, 2010

J. Penders, J. van de Molengraft, F. Masse, B. Mariani and K.Aminian, “S-sense: a wireless 6D intertial measurement platform for ambulatory gait analysis”, ICABB conference, Oct 14-16, 2010

J. Penders, V. Pop, L. Caballero, J. van de Molengraft, R. Vullers, R. van Schaijk and C. Van Hoof, “Power Optimization in Body Sensor Networks: The Case of an Autonomous Wireless EMG Sensor Powered by PV-Cells”, in Proceedings of the 32nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society

Penders J, Yazicioglu RF, van de Molengraft J, Patki S, Torfs T, Brown L, Van Hoof C: Wireless EEG systems: Increasing functionality, decreasing power. In: 2010 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2010: Aug. 31 2010-Sept. 4 2010 2010. 3441-3441

I. Romero, Y. Yassin, B. Grundlehner, J. Penders and J. Huisken, “Low-power robust beat detection in ambulatory cardiac monitoring“, Proceedings of the IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference, pp.249-252, 26-28 Nov. 2009

I. Romero, B. Grundlehner and J. Penders, “Robust Beat Detector for Ambulatory Cardiac Monitoring”, Proceedings of the 31st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, pp.950-953, 3-6 Sept. 2009

Penders J, van de Molengraft J, Brown L, Grundlehner B, Gyselinckx B, Van Hoof C: Potential and challenges of body area networks for personal health. In: 2009 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2009 EMBC: 3-6 Sept. 2009 2009. 6569-6572

B. Grundlehner, L. Brown, J. Penders and B. Gyselinckx, “The design and analysis of real-time, continuous arousal monitor”, Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks, pp.156-161, 3-5 June 2009

J. Penders, B. Gyselinckx, R. Vullers, M. De Nil, S. Nimmala, J. van de Molengraft, F. Yazicioglu, T. Torfs, V. Leonov, P. Merken, C. Van Hoof, “Human++: from technology to emerging health monitoring concepts”, Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks, pp.94-98, 1-3 Jun. 2008

N. de Vicq, F. Robert, J. Penders, T. Torfs and B. Gyselinckx, “Wireless body area network for sleep staging”, Proceedings of the IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference, pp.163-166, 27-30 Nov. 2007