Title and Affiliation
Unit of Medical Technology and Intelligent Information Systems
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
University of Ioannina, Greece
Web Page
Phone: +30 26510 08803
Research Interests
Multiscale modeling of human tissues and organs
Processing of heterogeneous medical and genetic data for diagnosis and prognosis
Intelligent systems for patient monitoring and treatment
Wearable monitoring platforms
Medical image and signal processing
Dimitrios I. Fotiadis is Collaborating Faculty Member of BRI-FORTH. He received the Diploma degree in Chemical Engineering from the Department of Chemical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece in 1985 and the Ph.D. degree in Chemical Engineering and Materials Science from the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, Minneapolis, USA in 1990. Currently, he is a Professor of Biomedical Engineering at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Ioannina, Greece, he is the director of the Unit of Medical Technology and Intelligent Information Systems, Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering and an associated member of the Biomedical Research Institute. He is a senior member of IEEE, he has published more than 120 papers in scientific journals, 250 papers in peer-reviewed conference proceedings, more than 20 chapters in books and he is the editor of 14 books. His work has received more than 800 citations. His research interests include modeling of human tissues and organs, intelligent wearable devices for automated diagnosis and bioinformatics. He is the chairman of the board and CEO of the Science and Technology Park of Epirus and National Representative of Greece in FP7 and coordinates several R&D projects funded by the EC and other bodies.
1978-79 Award of the Greek Mathematical Company
1979-80 Scholarship Papanikolaou, School of Zosimaia, Ioannina
1980-85 Award of the Technical Chamber of Greece
1985-90 Graduate Student Fellowship, The University of Minnesota
1986 Minnesota Supercomputer Institute Fellow
1988 Graduate Student Fellowship, RWTH Aachen.
2003 The Prince de Merode Award, Information Technology Section, 7th IOC Olympic World Congress on Sport Sciences, 7 – 11 October 2003, Athens
2003 4th Award on Telemedicine of the competition that was organizing by the European Committee at the Cork, Irland, among 32 finalist of the 109 proposals that was submitted for the system USBONE.
2004 Golden medal by the international committee «EUREKA-BRUSSELS» – 53rd World Exhibition of Innovation, Research and New Technology 2004 for innovation at research concerning the European program: AUBADE: Wearable EMG Augmentation System for Robust Emotional Understanding.
2004 Cupreous medal by the international committee «EUREKA-BRUSSELS» – 53rd World Exhibition of Innovation, Research and New Technology 2004 for innovation at research concerning the European program: INTREPID: Wearable EMG Augmentation System for Robust Emotional Understanding.
2004 Award for the best paper at the category of Telemedicine entitled “An Ultrasound Wearable System for the Monitoring and Acceleration of Bone Fracture Healing” 2nd International Conference on Telemedicine and Multimedia Communication, 08-09/10/2004, Warsaw, Poland (invited presentation).
2005 The paper entitled “An Integrated Telemedicine Platform for the Assessment of Affective Physiological states” was reviewed by the committee of the international conference “3rd international conference on telemedicine & multimedia communications” held in Poland 21-23 Οκτωβρίου 2005 and was awarded as the best paper at the category of Telemedicine.
2005 EMBEC Scientific Award for the best paper published in peer-reviewed international journal in the field of Biomedical Engineering (the awarded paper was “An ultrasound wearable system for the monitoring and acceleration of fracture healing in long bones”, IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 2005;52(9):1597-1608). The award was granted on the 20th of November, 2005 in Prague on the occasion of the EMBEC Conference.
Selected Journal Publications
Jeckelmann JM, Palacin M, Fotiadis D: A tool for the qualitative comparison of membrane-embedded and detergent-solubilized membrane protein structures in projection. Journal of Structural Biology 2010.
Oikonomou VP, Tripoliti EE, Fotiadis DI: Bayesian Methods for fMRI Time-Series Analysis Using a Nonstationary Model for the Noise. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, 2010, 14(3):664-674.
Selected Conference Publications
Karvelis P, Likas A, Fotiadis DI: Semi unsupervised M-FISH chromosome image classification. In: 10th IEEE International Conference on Information Technology and Applications in Biomedicine (ITAB), 2010: 3-5 Nov. 2010 2010. 1-4.
Rigas G, Bougia P, Baga D, Tsipouras M, Tzallas A, Tripoliti E, Tsouli S, Chondrogiorgi M, Konitsiotis S, Fotiadis DI: A decision support tool for optimal Levodopa administration in Parkinson’s disease. In: 10th IEEE International Conference on Information Technology and Applications in Biomedicine (ITAB), 2010: 3-5 Nov. 2010 2010. 1-6.